Guide to the Sentieri della Lucertola trekking routes around Ischia.
These paths are laid out in various lengths and difficulty levels to suit all
kinds of walkers and trekkers.
The paths of the lizard (Sentieri della Lucertola in Italian), are a
project created by the local government of Barano d'Ischia to allow visitors
the chance to enjoy Ischia's mountain countryside with its spectacular views of
the island and its abundance of flora
and fauna.
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Sentieri della Lucertola : The Path of the Great Crater |
There are four separate paths each with their own name and easy to
follow as they are marked with differently-coloured lizards.
Below are the start and finish points along with information about
which buses to take to reach them. Each path has a relative difficulty level as
well as an estimated journey time and a list of points of interest that they
pass through.
The Path of the Great Crater
A trek through woodlands and the natural springs at Buceto, with
breath-taking views of Castello Aragonese and The Bay of Naples.
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Sentieri della Lucertola : The Path of the Great Crater |
Follow the signs of the Red Lizard
Estimated Duration - 2hrs 30 minutes
Difficulty level - 2
Passing through - Fiaiano, Marecoppo, Monte Trippodi, Buceto,
Carusiello, Cretaio, Fondo Ferraro, Casa Arcamone, Bosco dei Conti, Fiaiano
Leaving From - Fiaiano (Bar Nik)
Finishing At - Fiaiano Piazzetta
Reachable by Number 6 Bus